Yesterday was a very busy day and we didn’t have enough time to post a complete recap of the day. The first thing we noticed after arriving was that our brake system was not powerful enough, and that one of the lever was leaking. A lot of effort was invested in solving the problem, and we decided to buy a new lever in a bike shop this morning. This was critical because we had to pass plenty of safety inspections including brake inspection. We went through all the inspections which do not require the engine to be operational. As usual, the engine needed a lot of adjustments. Unfortunately, we also had a few problems with the starter and the electronic system. Those problems delayed us in our schedule but we managed to fix them. We are now heading to a night of modifications and fine tuning to be ready to compete. If everything occurs according to our plan, we will pass the last inspections tomorrow morning and if everything goes well, we will be in position to record our first runs.
The vehicule's weight being measured. The official result is 94 lbs!