In order to achieve our goal to reduce petrol consumption, we need to put a lot of time and efforts in the design and tuning of our engine. We are looking for optimal energy efficiency instead of an engine that delivers brute power. Our engine can propel the car at speeds of up to 50 kilometers per hour (31 mph), but that kind of speed is rarely reached because the energy efficiency decreases quickly as the speed increases. In this sense, the team targets an average speed of 30 kilometers per hour (19 mph). However, in order to reduce some more our fuel consumption, the engine will be used at full capacity (full throttle), for short periods of time. The rest of the time, the car continues its way under its own momentum. This is the reason why it is imperative for us to have good bearings, wheels, steering system and an outstanding aerodynamic.
Alérion Supermileage currently uses an engine based on a 3.5 HP (2.61 kW) Briggs & Stratton engine. It is a four strokes single cylinder lawn mower engine. The use of that kind of engine is imposed by the SAE Supermileage competition (in Marshall Michigan) that we attend every year. The Briggs & Stratton engine is extremely inefficient and is far from ideal in terms of fuel efficiency. The team had to proceed to several modifications in order to optimize engine energy efficiency. Actually, only the crank base of the original engine remains because it is a minimum required by the competition. As an example, the carburetor and magneto lighting have been replaced by a fuel injection system and electronic lighting, so we can control with precision the amount of fuel going to the combustion chamber. Similarly, the motor head has been replaced and optimised, always looking for a more efficient engine. With all those improvements, we have managed to greatly improve the fuel comsumption of the engine while only losing half of the engine original power.