The Shell Eco-Marathon Americas competition started officially today with the first recorded runs. Under the heat of a 30 oc day, the team was able to complete 3 runs with the 57 prototypes present this year. The first run ended up early, after 5 laps, because of a mechanical problem related to the transmission chain. After quickly solving this problem, Audrey, our new driver, did not wait another try to complete her first ever run (congratulation!). A grand total of 10.3 ml of gasoline were consumed during the 10 laps (10 kilometres), leading to a score of 2196 MPG. At this time, the Alérion of Universite Laval was first. Finally, after a few changes on the coding of the ECU, the team managed to fit in the line for the last run of the day, where 9 ml of gasoline were consumed for a score of 2557 MPG! On the menu for tonight, more work on the engine. Tomorrow, another heat day and hopefully, better scores for our prototype!
« The Alerion of Universite Laval wins the Shell Eco Marathon Americas 2011! | Second day of work: inspections » |
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